COVID-19: Blessing in disguise

 COVID-19:Blessing in disguise

COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, had a significant impact worldwide. It is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can cause severe symptoms and even death. It spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. According to researchers, it has been found that the virus originated in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. The virus is believed to have originated from animals and can be transmitted between humans through respiratory droplets. It was quickly spread leading to a global pandemic. 

The global pandemic, it has a significant impact on public health, economies, and daily life. A total of 6,925,117 people in the world have lost their lives due to the virus (Worldometer). Due to the outbreak of the virus, the whole nation was under lockdown and many businesses have faced closures, job losses, and financial affected. Industries such as hotels, karaoke, travel, and retail have been particularly affected. Moreover, the increase in sexual harassment, tension, and stress, and disrupts routines on children's education and well-being. But also an increase in the number of death cases leads to shortages of medical supplies and hospital beds.

However, it can be argued that coronavirus is considered a blessing in disguise as it helps in the adoption of remote work, allowing people from their homes, given the importance of personal hygiene and public health practices, which leads to increased awareness and overall health practices. Additionally, it also brought families/communities together, fostering a sense of unity and support. Moreover, it reduces road traffic, and accidents in cities, and regarding online classes, parents will get first-hand knowledge about how classes are taught and can directly understand how they perceive concepts. Though coronavirus affects economies, mental health, and population, it is seen that it also has a positive impact on personal hygiene and the adoption of new technology.


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