Reflection on Oral Presentation

                                                               Reflection on Oral Presentation

Giving an oral presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience for me, but it is also an opportunity for me to improve my confidence and share my knowledge with the audience. Reflecting on my recent oral presentation, I have mentioned areas that I need to improve upon in future presentations. Firstly, in order to ensure that the audience understands the main points, I could have used signposts and transition words and could have better organized my content so that it would be easier for the audience to follow. Secondly, while delivering my presentation, I could have shown gestures and body language, so that I could have gained attention. 

Moreover, I could have practiced my delivery more thoroughly to reduce nervousness and improve my confidence. Maybe this could have helped me to maintain better eye contact with the audience, pace, use of different tones, and reduce the use of fillers. Additionally, I could have used visual aids to make the presentation more interactive, engaging, and memorable for the audience. 

Overall, reflecting on my oral presentation, I still need to improve my way of presenting and have areas for improvement. By addressing my weaknesses, and practicing, I can make sure that I can deliver better and will become a successful presenter within my four of training in the college😊. 


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